Stop Ecocide Video

It’s time to protect our home.

The Story So Far

Ecological Emergency Summit Audience

Ecological Emergency Summit at Heartlands

RJ Working’s Youth Climate Action team launched their STOP Ecocide film at the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Ecological Emergency Summit in May 2023. We screened our film in the main hall which was packed full of councillors, environmental organisations and community activists, and there was great interest in the campaign.
Seb and Mia with badge maker at Camborne Green Fest

Camborne Green Fest

On 17th June our Youth Climate Action Team screened their film and ran a campaign stall at Camborne Green Fest – engaging members of the community young and old in the conversation about Ecocide, and gathering signatures to the international petition. Camborne is actually fully signed up as an ‘Earth Protector Town’ which is part of the STOP Ecocide movement; further evidence of the commitment and aspirations of the communities of Cornwall towards a sustainable future!

Youth Climate Action Festival

Our Youth Climate Action Team shared their STOP Ecocide film with young eco-leaders from 4 West Cornwall Schools; Redruth School, Mounts Bay Academy, Hayle Academy and Helston Community College; inviting them to take the campaign back to their own schools and communities

Bristol Screening

Quaker Jo Flanagan lead a meeting at Redland Meeting House with international campaigner Sue Miller, Head of Global Networks at Stop Ecocide. Our film has reached the national network of Quaker Youth Workers
Paul Hamlyn Foundation logo

Paul Hamlyn Youth Fund Learning Network

RJ Working Team members ran an online workshop as part of the PHF Youth Fund Learning Network, focused on Creative Campaigning. We shared our learning about how the Restorative model supports youth campaigning, and we screened our STOP Ecocide film to leading youth organisations from across the country and invited them to sign up
Cafe Disruptif Logo

Cafe Disruptif

Our team member Seb spoke about this film at an inter-generational meeting of climate activists in Cornwall, orchestrated by Cafe Disruptif


This film is being used in inter-generational peoples assemblies and in more traditional school assemblies in Cornwall. Please contact us for support in hosting an assembly to deepen community conversation following on from the film.
Climate Choir singing outside Lloyds Bank

Climate Choirs

This campaign needs amplification, we are so impressed to hear the song ‘Eradicate Ecocide’ by Kate Honey. Climate Choirs sang outside the banks which are investing in Ecocide. Could your community or school choir also sing this song?

Break through for nature in Europe

"UK forests are heading for “catastrophic ecosystem collapse” within the next 50 years... researchers have warned" Next stop - international Criminal Court!

House of Lords look at 'Ecocide Bill'

An 'Ecocide Bill' has been introduced into the House of Lords by Baroness Boycott, which hopes to criminalise 'severe environmental damage'. It will have a second reading in 2024. This follows a move by the European Union to legislate for crimes 'comparable to ecocide' and shows that the Stop Ecocide campaign is being heard by policy makers! Read more on the Stop Ecocide website:

Pacific Islands propose crimes of Ecocide

The Pacific Islands of Vanuatu, Fiji & Samoa, have asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to add Ecocide (meaning the destruction of the world’s ecosystems), to the Rome Statute, with genocide, war crimes & crimes against humanity. This would promote a worldwide moral suggestion of Ecocide as a crime and allow the ICC to prosecute key individuals in organisations responsible for "widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment". Vanuatu, other Pacific Islands & countries like Guyana, whose major coastal towns are below sea level, stand to have their way of life destroyed and altered most from Ecocide & Climate Change related harms, like rising sea levels & extreme weather. Unfortunately, some of the world’s major powers (& polluters) like the United States, China, Russia & India have not ratified the Rome Statue in law. Our country and France, stand with 122 global countries in recognising Rome Statue as law. But the UK is yet to support adding Ecocide to the Rome Statue, unlike France in 2021. Please join us in asking your family, school, council, and business to support the Stop Ecocide campaign, every voice matters. We must prevent global harm from continuing.