Stop Ecocide change the law banner

Stop Ecocide

Ecocide is the mass damage and destruction of the natural living world. We want this to be recognised as a crime. Find out how you can campaign for this change in your school and local community.
Hand Voting Banner

Votes at 16

A pathway for young people to be included in democracy.
Vegetable banner

Food Education

We empower young people to take food system actions that are bigger than individual health because what we eat and where it comes from makes a big difference.

Restore Nature Now

We support the Restore Nature Now campaign, aiming to encourage UK politicians to show strong domestic and global nature and climate leadership by: Giving a pay-rise for nature, making polluters pay, delivering more space for nature, putting a right to a healthy environment in law and ensuring fair and effective climate action.

Climate and Nature Bill

We support this campaign for the Climate and Nature Bill. This is a plan for a new UK law that addresses the full extent of the climate and nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science.

Teach the Teacher

Teach the Teacher helps equip students with the skills and knowledge to engage their teachers on climate change and the need for climate education for all.