Since 2012 we have prioritised impact evaluation
Just as young people co-design our programmes so we seek their involvement in our impact evaluation.
Generating transformational collective change means not focusing on perceived weaknesses or deficits but instead on young people’s strengths and assets, which often include a wide range of experiences.
We asses the collective change achieved by a group of young people, both through their immediate sense of distance travelled on our programmes and through their sustained ‘ripple effect’ of campaigning and cascading their learning to others.’
Our aims and ambitions are:
- enabling groups of young people to achieve lasting social bonds and a deeper sense of community.
- eliciting everyone’s voice and contribution to the shared agenda.
- strengthening relationships and reducing powerlessness.
- ensuring emotional and psychological safety for exploring deeper social and environmental issues.
- strengthening flexibility, resilience and wellbeing, reducing anxiety and depression.
- developing oracy and language for experience.
- promoting Respect for nature, Responsibility to nature, and Relationship with nature.
- achieving all the above in an energising spirit of playful exchange.
Tackling youth loneliness in schools
We are proud of the impact we have on the lives of children across Cornwall, using Restorative principles to support communication pathways between them. With support, they create collaborative environments where their thoughts and ideas can be shared and influence change in their communities, such as creating quiet games rooms to tackle youth loneliness. Through the use of games and conversation, children and young people are encouraged to speak up on issues, listen to one another and use their voices to grow their community.
Explore our Impact Reports and Independent Evaluations below
2020 Impact Report
Coming Soon: University of Exeter Independent Evaluation
2019 - Creating Change - Impact Report
Ipsos MORI Independent Evaluation
Accreditations, Associations and Funders
Our expertise has been formally recognised by the Restorative Justice Council with the award of their Registered Training Provider status. RJ Working is a proud member of the Restorative Justice Council (RJC).
The RJC promotes quality Restorative Practice for everyone in the UK.