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July 29, 2024

Fairer Futures and Greener Futures

Greener Futures and Fairer Futures

We couldn’t be prouder of all the committed students who took part in Greener Futures and Fairer Futures this academic year. Together we have achieved so much, from exploring how Restorative Practice helps with social and environmental justice, to creating numerous events engaging with the college community.
At Penwith College, the Fairer Futures team organised a People’s Assembly event which brought together staff and students to discuss and make recommendations for climate action in college. Supported by RJ Working, Fairer Futures designed a roadshow workshop called Questioning Fashion which brought together young people to explore fashion in relation to sustainability and identity.
Meanwhile at Truro College, the Greener Futures team collaborated with RJ Working to design and host workshops for Green Careers Week and Earth Day. Supported by RJ Working, Greener Futures students rolled out a Climate Action Consultation across both campuses, engaging 567 students! Following this, the team analysed the results. They presented their findings to the Staff Sustainability Committee and to the Senior Management Team!
The Climate Action Consultation Report can be found here.