Training - Programmes for Children & Young People

Step Up

Each Step-Up programme begins with an opportunity for the adults involved and our RJ Working Trainers to meet and reflect on the children and their needs.  

Once the children have been grouped (10 on average) with an adult who knows them, we plan the programme over 5 days to culminate in the opportunity for children to cascade their learning to younger ones by leading circles for them working in pairs as Circle Keepers. 


Our 5 days together are captured in the production of a very special 30-page A5 booklet recording their unique learning experience. Their booklets and certificates are presented at a celebration event, with their peers as witnesses. This creates an opportunity for them to share and cascade their restorative learning.

The culture change can be transformational and sustained for future transitions through the imbedding and routine use of restorative language and principles.

Book this training

  • A whole year group, in smaller groups of 10
  • 2 adults
  • 2 fully trained RJ Working facilitators
  • 75 minutes per day per child over 5 days
  • An opportunity to Step Up and cascade learning to younger children on Day 5
  • 1 celebration events
  • 1 Step Up booklet per participant (including adults)
  • 1 RJ Working signed Step Up certificate per participant
  • Full pre and post program support from our team 

    Accreditations, Associations and Funders

    Our expertise has been formally recognised by the Restorative Justice Council with the award of their Registered Training Provider status. RJ Working is a proud member of the Restorative Justice Council (RJC).

    The RJC promotes quality Restorative Practice for everyone in the UK.

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